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What to do when Transponder Key is Lost

One of the most frustrating experiences that can occur to any person is losing your transponder keys. This is just something that no one wants to experience, but it does happen. 

It doesn’t matter what key you own, if it’s lost then there is going to be a problem with you trying to get into whatever place you want to enter because without the key the lock is not going to open automatically. Of course, with most keys that are lost it’s easy to replace a new one since most keys are similar in some way, but what about transponder keys

The Transponder key is simply a normal looking key with a transponder chip located in the head part of the key. It was created in 1993 and is basically in every key made after that. While this has greatly increased the security in the vehicles that use a transponder remote it has made things a lot more complicated for people who need to replace this key. 

So, determine what kind of transponder key you have the year, make, a model of your vehicle is the first step in trying to figure out how to program or purchase a new transponder key. We are going to through the process of programming and everything else when it comes to transponder keys. 

What if the Transponder Chip is the only thing missing? 

The majority of the time the entire key is lost, but often or only the transponder chip is missing. Either way, a professional automotive locksmith can provide this service for you. Surprisingly the transponder key is easy to break, and if you’re just simply exiting your vehicle then a problem can arise where your chip ends up on the ground, and you didn’t notice it until later. 

Every automotive locksmith has the ability to provide you with the service of programming the key in case it is lost. Depending on the make, model, and year of your car the locksmith can also make a new chip from scratch. No matter what goes on in this situation the best option is to go to a professional to assist you. 

What if a Locksmith costs too Much?

Sometimes the best option is not available for everyone. Programming or making a new transponder key is not easy so your locksmith is going to charge a little bit more then you would probably expect, because of this a lot of stores like Walmart provide basic transponder chips and keys that work for most vehicles, the only thing is you’re going to have to program the key your self if you go with this option. Programming a transponder key is not easy and takes a lot of time to do. 

So, prepare in this situation to spend at least 3-4 hours or more programming your key, of course there a lot of YouTube videos to guide you through this, but it’s not the easiest thing to do. So, because of this the majority of people often choose to have a professional assist them with this, remember that it may be painful, but it will be worth it in the end, because in case you ever lose your key you can program one a second time and it will be easier. 

What if my transponder key is a special one that requires more money? 

This is actually pretty common, and it’s because the majority of new vehicles won’t have the standard kind of transponder chip from Walmart that you can program yourself. Instead, in these situations, it will be up to you to find a local locksmith or an auto dealer. 

Sometimes if a vehicle is brand new the local locksmiths might not have the ability to program the chip and replace the key for you. In this situation the auto dealer becomes the only option, but it does make some things a lot easier, because more than likely the auto dealer is going to be an expert on the vehicle you have and the mechanics there are handling cars every single day, and more then likely they have seen your car and chip and will give you a hand. 

Online Transponder Chip Services:

This is new, and it’s because of the internet some companies offer key cutting and transponder chip programming for each and every person if they decide to purchase it online. The online chip services are not as convenient as a local locksmith, but it is something to think about if you need a new key right away. You will need to have your license and registration for an online purchase because they will need to confirm that you’re the owner of the vehicle. 

The only problem with this is that you’re taking a chance and purchasing a transponder chip programmed, but it’s by some complete stranger.

Replacements Sometimes come with a Warranty: 

The majority of replacements come with a 90-day warranty for both new and used replacement transponder chips. Locksmiths are the ones who normally provide this deal, and you can ask around if the locksmiths in your area will assist you and give you a warranty with your new chip and transponder key. 

Finding the Right Locksmith: 

More then often the choice when trying to find and purchase a new transponder key depends on the locksmith you choose. The quality of the locksmith really makes a difference in the kind of service that you receive, the price and more. Almost every automotive locksmith is ready and willing to replace your transponder key and chip as soon as you call them.